Our Curriculum at Lyme


To meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, classes from Year 1 – 6 follow a Learning Challenge Curriculum. Each half term there are two subject drivers taken from: History/Geography/Science/ Art/Design Technology/Music which drive our themes and are shared with parents each half term by class teachers. This approach to the curriculum means that, where appropriate, we make as many cross curricular links as possible and the topics we choose take into account:

  • The requirements of the National Curriculum in terms of skills and knowledge.
  • The interests and needs of our children.
  • The opportunity to embed literacy and numeracy skills in real-life activities.
  • The core values of our school as illustrated by our I CAN statement. 

  The National Curriculum sets out the minimum content. However, at Lyme, we work hard to ensure that our children have the opportunity to learn lots of additional skills and to develop their knowledge and understanding fully. For example:

  • We offer a wide range of after-school clubs.
  • We take part in sports competitions and opportunities in the locality
  • A specialist teacher provides brass instrument lessons. A choir is also in place.
  • P.E. specialists teach across Key Stage 1& 2.
  • Current local / national or international events regularly provide a basis for learning.
  • Independence and personal responsibility are taught through our rights respecting ethos. Many of our students are Prefects, RRS Ambassadors, B's Buddies and Sports Leaders promoting and supporting good behaviour and participation in school life.
  • All children are involved in electing Student Councillors from Y 2 to Y6 who put themselves forward for these positions and take a leading role in school.
  • Eco – Action team representatives from the pupil body promote environmental awareness and responsibility.
  • Higher attaining children are encouraged to think flexibly, take risks with their learning and to pursue excellence in particular areas.

 Although the National Curriculum is in place and we are required to follow the programmes of study, we can interpret it in such a way that it meets the needs and interests of our children. Our curriculum is delivered using an annual cycle and is taught by class staff teams.

Personal development runs seamlessly through our curriculum through our daily interactions with the children, our PSHRE curriculum, assemblies, pupil leadership, extra-curricular activities and our enrichment offer.

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Eco Schools Logo
Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online
Music Mark
School Games Gold 2023/24
SEL Model School
IQM Inclusive School Award

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD