Pupil Leadership
We are proud of the impact our pupil leadership teams have on our school. Through the campaign and voting process for our different councils, the children learn about democracy and develop their oracy skills. For our B's Buddies and Prefect roles, the children must apply for the role and give their reasoning as to why they will be good for the job! This gives them an insight into how they would do this for employment.
The children in our school are the most important people! As such, they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues. Our pupils share their ideas and opinions about their subjects during pupil voice meetings with teachers.
Student voice at Lyme is a strength. Our children know that they have a voice and that it is listened to (linked to article 12 and 13, UNCRC).
Student Council
The main aim of the School Council is to help to make our school a better place for the children and to give us an opportunity to have our opinions and ideas heard. Each class from Year Two upwards has two representatives who are elected every year.
B's Buddies
Are a group of children who are trained at helping children to sort out their problems and differences by
attending special meetings. By taking turns, the people who have had a disagreement listens to the other
person's viewpoint and they decide the best way forward.
Reading Ambassadors
Our Reading Ambassadors celebrate reading across school. They support with leading assemblies, organising reading events and share the love of reading!
Lyme Community Primary Schools’ prefects must lead by example at all times in their behaviour, the
respect they show to others and their school uniform. A prefect’s role is varied and to be awarded a school
prefect badge is considered to be a real privilege.
The prefects at Lyme take on many roles and have many responsibilities, such as:
• lining up monitors after play and dinner times;
• working with classes during wet break times;
• supporting other children around the school;
• helping to set up the hall for assemblies;
• monitoring corridors and stairs to help encourage safe and orderly conduct and;
• hosting a VIP dinner table in the Hall each Friday.
Our Y6 class was given the opportunity to apply for the prestigious position of Prefect at Lyme. I’m very pleased to report that all who applied were successful!
I want to share a couple of extracts from a children's application letters as I was so impressed with them. I feel it sums up everything about our children that makes us so proud of them.
‘I will say ‘I CAN!’ I will INSPIRE myself and others to follow the rules. I will CHALLENGE them to be more helpful around the school. Others will soon ACHIEVE their goal of following the rules. Finally I will NURTURE others to grow and become a Prefect themselves one day. That is what I CAN really means! ‘
'I would love to be committed to keep Lyme happy and safe. I would love to be a prefect - I have been waiting my whole life for this to happen.'
Eco Council
At Lyme we believe that sometimes the small things make a big difference. This is why we have an Eco
Council a group of students who focus on recycling, litter, energy, water use, care of the environment
around us (school grounds) and Pollution. They work hard on talking to others about the Global Goals.
Through planning individual projects such as planting and growing in class gardens, organising textile
recycling schemes, planting trees in the school grounds and in Lyme Pits Country Park, providing recycling
bins to every classroom in the school and replacing water taps to make them energy efficient, the Eco
Council has managed to achieve the ultimate Green Flag award, besides much more.
Rights-Respecting Ambassadors
We have pro-active Rights-Respecting Ambassadors, who are responsible for promoting the rights of the children across school and in the community. They lead whole school assemblies, teach lessons to their classes and lead global campaigning, such as the UNICEF Outright campaign and Send my friend to school (which included a visit from Conor McGinn, MP). In July 2023 we were re-accredited as a GOLD Rights-Respecting School.
Sports Council/Leaders
Our Sports Council meet regularly to plan sporting events and discuss suggestions for improving our children's health and wellbeing in school. Our Sports Leaders lead games at lunch time.
Online Safety Ambassadors
Our ambassadors work together to help educate their peers about how to stay safe online - this is through assemblies, teaching lessons in classes, leading presentations to parents and making information posters/leaflets to share.