Early Years: Gallery

Early Years Beach Trip

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 3:28pm

Despite the rainy and windy weather, the children had a lovely time exploring the beach at Lytham, St Annes. They had lots of fun digging and making sandcastles before eating a picnic dinner under the pier.  

SongFest 2024

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 3:59pm

Reception had a great time learning the songs for SongFest and performing them at the Town Hall.

Nursery Euro Day

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 9:28pm

Euros 2024 Day

We looked at six countries and completed different activities.  For France, we tasted some French food; for Germany, we learned to speak some German; for the Netherlands, we made windmills; for Spain, we drew some pictures in the style of Picasso; for Scotland, we did some Scottish dancing; and for Italy, we made an Italian flag. It was great fun. Most children said food tasting was their favourite activity.

Nursery Sports Week

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 9:14pm

The Nursery children had great fun at Sports Week

Early Maths workshop

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 10:10am

Thank you to the parents who attended the workshop led by Mrs. McDermott and Miss. Mee this week. We hope that it has given you some ideas of activities to support your child at home. 

Sunflowers in Nursery

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:03pm

This week we read 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle and planted sunflower seeds.

Foundation Stage Easter Celebrations

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 3:43pm

The children have taken part in a range of activities to celebrate Easter. We have taken part in various craft activities, an Easter egg hunt, an Easter Bonnet Parade and had a visit from the Easter Bunnies.


Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 4:56pm

Another fantastic 'Article of the Month' assembly delivered by our Rights Respecting Team. This month's article is 'Article 23 -  A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence'. The ambassadors did an amazing job of educating our school and introducing this month's activities. 

PCSOs Visit FS

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 8:35pm

The PCSOs -  0309 Johnson and 0088 Quillam paid Foundation Stage a visit on Wednesday morning. They told us all about their job and let the children try on some of their uniforms.  They also brought a police van for the children to look at. It was very exciting.

Fire Service Visit to FS

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 9:38am

As part of our work on People Who Help Us, we had some special visitors this week—the Fire Service visited us on Wednesday morning. Firstly, they spoke to the children about their job, and then they went out to look at the fire truck. There was great excitement when they were allowed to have a go of the hose.

Nursery Tales Toolkit

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 8:46pm

We enjoy using Tales Toolkit in our Nursery. This week, the children had a lot of fun creating their own stories inspired by the characters from the focus story 'Shark in the Park' by Nick Sharratt. They were able to identify the characters, setting, problem, and solution. Some of the ideas that the children came up with were water angels, fishing, rowing a boat to get away from the shark, recycling our rubbish to protect the creatures under the sea, and a friendly shark. 

Foundation Stage Intra-sports Competition

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 3:46pm

Foundation Stage children had lots of fun completing different pirate themed challenges as part of their Intra-sports competition.  

Reading Ambassador Meeting

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:28pm

Today our reading ambassadors met to discuss their ideas for World Book Day which we will be celebrating on Friday 8th March. 

They created posters for the event and displayed them around the school. 

National Storytelling Week

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 2:25pm

This week has been National Storytelling Week.  Our reading ambassadors led storytelling sessions in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.  In our assembly on Thursday we spoke about the skills needed to be a good storyteller.  We looked at celebrity storytellers such as musicians, dancers, actors, singers and authors. 

We are all storytellers! 

National Compliments Day - whole school assembly

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:51pm

Wednesday 24th February was Natonal Compliments Day.  Today we had an assembly to celebrate the process of complimenting and self complimenting.  Some of our children shared their own compliments and we watched a video 'The Reflection in Me' about a girl who listens to what her reflection tells her about herself. 

The main message was to value ourselves and that when we are kind to ourselves, we feel happier and brighter in general. 



FS Fun in the Snow

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 9:07pm

The children had great fun in the snow on Tuesday.

Foundation Stage Christmas Party

Date: 29th Dec 2023 @ 2:40pm

Everyone had lots of fun at the Christmas party. We even had a very special visitor.

Foundation Stage Nativity

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 8:25am

The children were all fantastic in their Nativity- Baarmy Bethlehem.  Have a look at our photos.

Foundation Stage Stay and Play

Date: 27th Nov 2023 @ 12:56pm

Thanks to a everyone who attended our Stay and Play sessions. The children had great fun showing you what they do at school.

World Nursery Rhyme Week in Nursery

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 12:30pm

This week  the children have taken part in World Nursery Rhyme Week.  The children sang a new nursery rhyme and completed different activities every day.  On Monday it was Jack and Jill-the children painted Jack and Jill and later walked up and down the hill with buckets of water.  All the children managed to do this without spilling a drop.  On Tuesday it was Hickory Dickory Dock -the children sequenced pictures of the rhyme.  On Wednesday it was Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes-the children put jigsaws of their bodies back together and drew around each other.  On Thursday it was Row, Row, Row Your Boat-the children made big boats from cardboard boxes and rowed down the Mississippi River, trying to avoid the crocodiles. And finally, on Friday it was The Wheels on The Bus-we made a big bus together and went on a trip as we sang the song.

Halloween in Foundation Stage

Date: 26th Oct 2023 @ 9:35pm

This week we have taken part in various activities around Halloween.  The children read the story 'What's in the Witch's Kitchen?', explored pumpkins, made potions and cast spells, printed and painted their own pumpkin pictures, did some spooky counting and subitising and finished with a Halloween fancy dress party.  It was great fun.





Exploring Colour in Nursery

Date: 14th Oct 2023 @ 3:58pm

We have spent the last few weeks exploring colour.  Take a look at our activities.

Nursery Spray Painting

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:44pm

The children had lots of fun developing their fine motor skills whilst spray painting this week in Nursery.

Our First Weeks in Foundation Stage

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 3:16pm

We've had a busy few weeks in Foundation Stage. All of our children have now started and they are settling in nicely.  Have a look at what we have been doing.

Forest School

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 3:37pm

This week in Forest School  the children started by looking at the signs of summer and identifying different flowers and trees. Then Nursery children made Dream Catchers and the Reception children did some Wild Weaving.

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Green Flag Award Logo
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award
Arts Council: Artsmark Silver Award
Three Sixty Degree Safe: Accredited Safer Online

Lyme Community Primary, Lyme St, Newton-le-Willows WA12 9HD