SEN Information Report
Our SENCo is Miss Burns (National SENCo Award). She can be contacted via our e-mail address:
" From the moment you arrive, you are welcomed warmly into the school's family."
" Everyone goes above and beyond. We have an inspiring curriculum which is part of our mission to challenge children, regardless of their level of need, on their journey."
" Everyone is geting an equal offer at all times."
" Staff understand instinctively the needs of the children and build this into the school's everyday practice."
" Lyme is our happy place."
" We educate the whole child."
Inclusion Quality Mark Assessment Report : December 2024
At Lyme Community Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. Quality teaching is vital; however for some children there are occasions when further positive support may be needed to help them to achieve their targets.
The Local Offer
The Children and Families Bill which came into force in 2014 requires Local Authorities to publish and keep under review information from services that expect to be available for children and young people with SEND aged 0-25, this is known as “The Local Offer”. The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. This involves working with children and young people, parents and carers, and local services including schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.
What will it do?
St Helens Framework will allow the local offer to provide parents / carers with the information about how to access services in their local area, and what they can expect from those services. With regard to Education, it will let parents / carers of young people know how schools and colleges will support them and what they can expect across the local setting.
On September 1st 2014, a revised Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice was introduced. The reforms aim to implement a new approach which seeks to join up help across education, health and care, from birth to 25. Access to this document can be found at:
Useful Links
ADDvanced Solutions
ADDvanced Solutions support children, young people and families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs.
St Helens Gateway
St Helens Gateway is a community hub of information; bringing together all health, social care and wellbeing information and services into one central place.
Click below to read our SEN Statement of Intent, our SEN Curriculum Implementation Document and St Helens Council Graduated Approach Document.